Pilea Plant 1
Pilea Plant 1
Pilea Plant 2
Pilea Plant 2
Pilea Plant 3
Pilea Plant 3
Pilea Plant 4
Pilea Plant 4

Small Plant

Pilea Plant


This is a deciduous shrub or small tree known for its stunning fall coloration and beautifully shaped leaves. It's often used in landscaping and bonsai.

This is a deciduous shrub or small tree known for its stunning fall coloration and beautifully shaped leaves. It's often used in landscaping and bonsai.

This is a deciduous shrub or small tree known for its stunning fall coloration and beautifully shaped leaves. It's often used in landscaping and bonsai.


Pilea, or the Chinese Money Plant, features round, shiny leaves that seem to float on central stems. It prefers a well-lit spot with indirect sunlight and enjoys periodic rotations to grow evenly. (Pro-tip: Propagate your Pilea by removing small pups and repotting them.)

  • Size Range: Small plants measure 5"-8" tall, medium plants 8"-15" tall from the soil line to the top of the foliage.

  • Packaging: Arrives in a nursery grow pot, choice of planter available.

  • Shipping Note: Cannot be shipped to Florida.

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